Thursday, December 10, 2015

Advent Prayer

Advent Prayer

O come, O Come Emmanuel: And ransom captive Israel As Christians, we live between the two comings of Christ. We remember his first coming to be sacrificed and we anticipate his second coming to reign. The two comings of Christ are held together in Christian thought, action, and prayer at all times. They cannot be separated. When they are, it is the end of Christian faith, life and worship. The first coming without the second is a meaningless tragedy. The second coming without the first is an absurd impossibility. Jesus is born to bring God's kingdom. He dies to prove his kingship. He rises to establish his reign. He comes again in glory to share it with his people. Lord, Along with millions before us we eagerly await your coming. Jesus you cannot come again soon enough! Everywhere we look sin seems to be rampant. We know that at you are in control which you made very clear in your first coming, but Lord our hearts are heavy. We your people are exhausted by all the violence, lack of empathy, and downright hatred show by both Christians and non-Christian. We need your kingdom to come now! We want to fully devour the joy that we’ve only tasted. We want to be and your presence and enjoy your grace fully. You have taken us captive with longing for You, O Christ, And have transformed us with Your divine love. Burn up Our sins with the fire of Your Spirit And count us worthy to take my fill of delight in You That dancing with joy, We may magnify Your two Comings

--Evan Kroon

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